Saturday, October 17, 2009


Hey! Over here! No, over there... no here, no, what are you doing? Go over there? Here? Aaaah!!!!

You know what I feel like? I feel like one of those dopey, way-too-much-energy, yellow labs when your holding a ball in front, moving it around pretending like you're going to throw it, you lift it up and... searching for it everywhere, back and forth, faster and faster, going in circles not finding it, to realize its still in the hand that supposedly threw it. Yeah no... the ball was not thrown. PSYCHE!! Just how mean is that?!?!

Well, I'm officially no longer an employee at the YMCA. I can't comprehend that quite yet. Thursday and Friday were interesting. Fighting back tears after each person conveyed how much I will be missed. I knew there were a lot of people I interacted with, but had no idea the impact I had or the people that I had affected. It's truly overwhelming. I will miss everyone one so much!! Its not a goodbye though, definitely a "see ya later!"

After going in circles and playing phone tag with Wells Fargo, I finally ended up with a second interview. It will be with the branch manager in Tigard on Tuesday morning. Monday on my way down, I will call the church letting them know I will be in the area again and see what kind of progress they've made with the resumes and if I can schedule an interview. Yes, I am being pushy, way more pushy then I have ever been, but I truly want that job!

Michelle bought me flowers Thursday. I got cards, gifts and more flowers Friday. My card sang to me!!! "I'm SO excited! and I just can't hide it!!" I absolutely Loved it!!! I figured I should take a picture, cause well, thats what I do, so I can post one with the blog. :)

Until next time, It's never a goodbye, it's always a "Later"

1 comment:

  1. You are a wonderful and awesome person. I feel so lucky to have gotten a chance to hang out and get to know you just the little that I have in this short time....makes me sad that we didnt start talking sooner :( BUT Hey I'm here lady, always an ear or chat line for you. I will harp on you all you want! Oh and feed you dinner too :o)
    Please stay in touch!
    -Kelly Simonson
