Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Day Away

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow, you're onlyyyyy a daaaaay aaaawaaaayyyyy! Annie would say. Tomorrow is only a day away but couldn't come soon enough.
I was hoping to hear from the bank Friday to see if I got the job or not. In the interview last Tuesday I was told I would be contacted Friday, or at the latest Monday. Well, to torture me even further and make me wait even longer, they are supposedly waiting until Monday. "At the latest." The church job fell through sadly enough, so me moving is kind of riding on this job at the moment. That freaks me out just a tad bit. If I don't get it, I'm not really sure what I will be doing.... other then praying more, continue looking and applying for jobs down there and work as much as I can in the school district. And if by God's grace I get the job, I will be starting Nov. 2. which oh my word is fast!
So taking a deep breath, going back to my childhood, and belting out, Tomorrow! You're only a day away!!!!!!

I did another senior session yesterday with Gloria. I love this time of year and yesterday's weather was perfect for pictures!! Between her hair and her bright smile, she was a blast! By the end of the session, she was a pro at smiling, not smiling, and even laughing on q. It was fabulous!
Gloria, thank you for a great time and hope you enjoy your sneak peak! :)

Until next time, No matter how things are going, tomorrow is only a day away!!


  1. Hi Kika,
    I love your pictures! I love taking pictures, too! I'm not near as good at it as you are, though!

    Did you take any photography classes? I live in the Sequim/PA area and am looking around for classes to take, so since your work is so lovely I thought I'd ask for suggestions. :)

    Anyways, I am super duper impressed. Thought you should know that XD

  2. Well thank you so much!! You're sweet :)

    I haven't taken any classes, I taught myself everything and have actually taught classes. All depending on what you want to focus on, the college classes are good up at PC. I've had several friends taken them and like them.

    Thank you again and hope that helps. :)

