Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Phones and Lenses and Me, Oh My!

Are you all nice and warm and cozy in your home? I am! The Lord is good!
How thankful are you right now that you have HEAT! Oh man its cold outside, I cant even imagine having to be out there for more than 5 minutes and its not even that cold here compared to some places.

I haven't posted in a while, so heres a little update on what I've been up to...

Dec. 5th was a good day. No, it was a GREAT day!

A lot happened on that day. Nothing exciting or ground breaking, nothing that changed the world, and definitely nothing that changed my life, but still... something. Lots of somethings that together made me one very grateful and happy girl.

Why the exact date you ask? Cuz thats the date Ive been waiting for, for a long time! A new phone upgrade!!!! I am so overwhelmed with all of the choices though, I still haven't made a decision. And, well, I am HORRIBLE at making a decision.
For example; I went to breakfast yesterday with several friends and we had, oh, a good 20-30min looking at the menu before we were asked what we wanted. I was the third person in line to order and I was still looking, I got skipped, and when it came back around to me, I still sat there for what seemed like eternity frantically reading the same things I read about 20 times already. (Seriously, I could tell you exactly whats on there even now I read it so much) Pressure, the pressure of 6 people staring at you waiting to see what you are going to get! I almost had an anxiety attack until I finally buckled under the pressure and blurted out the last thing my eyes landed on. Then even after that I spent a good 2 LONG minutes contemplating my decision and wondering if I should change my mind... Nope! Dont do it! Take the menu and walk away! Good thing I liked what I got! haha... So, long story short, I can't make a quick decision to save my life.

Ok, we got a phone grade, WooHoo!!!
Then I got excepted to a pro lab online! See, I told you not very exciting, but to me(!) I find it rather thrilling.
A while ago, a friend gave me some lenses from her SLR film camera when I first got my Nikon D50. Unfortunately they didn't work because of the crop factor. With that result, they sat on my dresser for the longest time. 2ish years actually. Now that I have a new full-framed SLR, suddenly I rediscovered the lenses sitting on my dresser while cleaning and tried them on my D700, and OH MY WORD THEY WORK!!!!!! I was/am so ecstatic! Instantly I became an owner of a 28mm prime lens (WOO!!!) and a 135mm prime (HOO!!!) and I couldn't be more happier! It was like Christmas already. (Thank you Karen!)
We have a new phone upgrade, an acceptance to a Pro lab, and TWO "new" lenses, what more could happen you ask? Well... Im not sure if you have read/heard/saw this, but I have recently upgraded my website. I love it! I have the ability to have password protected proof galleries for my clients, who can also order straight from my site. And, get this, I accept Credit Cards now through PayPal! This just makes me jump up and down with joy!
Its still a work in progress, but I have all of my galleries up now and the only thing really that I need to get up is the "Kika" section. Talking about myself, ha! This is going to sound like a HUGE hypocritical statement, but I am really horrible at talking about myself. Hard to believe I know, looking at how LONG this blog is so far (Oh mylanta why'd you let me write this much?!?)
ok, so, anywho, I have to write the about me section, but for the most part its done. Just like this Blog!! haha

So, until next time... Check out my website!

OH!!! AND! I made a new business card... I will share with you! :)

What do ya think??

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