Sunday, November 29, 2009

Favorite Things

...Snow flakes that stay on my nose and eye lashes, silver white winters that melt into springs, these are a few of my favorite things...

I have been feeling very stressed and overwhelmed lately, well... the last few months I guess you could say. But now with no news on any jobs down in Portland, money very quickly dwindling away, computer going slow as snot, not responding and shutting down and undoing all my editing, and a whole lot of other things I wont bore you with by listing, I feel like just giving up....

...No... I wont, dont worry!! I will just sit here singing my favorite songs about my favorites things! I dont know if thats just me being stubborn, knowing God has a plan for me, or me just being completely ignorant of real life... or all three... but I am actually happy!

Today was a good day :) The littlest things can amuse and entertain me, I'm simple. A certain song, listening to the rain outside, a character in a Pixar movie, watching the laughter and joy come from two friends, busting out in song randomly about your favorite things with the Von Trapp children while dancing in a field on a hill... or wait, no, thats the Sound of Music. But still!

Michael Buble's new song "Haven't Met You Yet" is one that I can just sit and listen to over and over again. It has stopped raining for the moment, but I love listening to the sound "Drip Drip Drop lil November showers!" (I swear I live in my own little personal musical!) and Wall-E!!! I absolutely love him! Bowling with the youth group today and just sitting back enjoying how spirit filled and amazingly goofy they are and that I can be myself in all my goofy glory right along with them! Yes, today was a good day.

The simple things in life. I am so incredibly blessed that I have a place to live, food to eat, clothes on my back, amazing friends and people all around me, then on top of that all those things listed above. Those are the extras in life that we all take for granted. No matter what situation you are in, where you are in your life, what you do or dont have, there is something to be grateful for and to put a smile on your face. If nothing material or earthly comes to mind, then what about the love of Jesus Christ? Thats all you really need to be happy because thats all you need to get into His kingdom. Not the best clothes, the biggest and most stylish home, and not even food to eat and Lord knows I can go a day or two without food. You need HIM. He gave His life for you so you can spend eternity in paradise, so what are you going to do about that? I ask myself that all the time and I am always humbled by the love He gives. So in return, no matter whats going on in my life, I can be happy and truly mean it thanks to Him!

So one of my favorite things most definitely has to be Jesus and His love!!! It puts a smile on my face :) How more simple can ya get? So...

When the dog barks, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad... I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feeeeeeeel, sooooooo baaaaaaaaaad!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last Saturday I took pictures for my church's pre-school bazaar. We had a live nativity scene.

This is my pastor and friend Roger with his lil boy Ryan and the "mooooo" cow. hehe

I say this all the time, but I can't get over how adorable he is!!! Definitely one of my favorite families :)

So until next time, I urge you to think of your favorite (non-material) things!
ready, set,


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