Monday, November 23, 2009

Starting The Conversation Over

Pumpkin Pie

Sweet Potatoes

Turkey cranberry sandwiches

Oh My!

I absolutely love November and December! The smells, the lights, the sounds... Why cant it be like this all the time?!
You know why? Because then it wouldnt be special. It would be just like every other day, and we all know what we think about "every other day." Boring, rushed, stressed, crazy, loud... need I go on?

Thanksgiving and Christmas gives us two months outa the year to look around and actually maybe see life as we should all the time. Love a lil more, listen a lil harder, hug a lil longer. But even now this time of year is getting to where its worse then any other. Stressed out even more, running faster, spending larger amounts, totally getting lost in 'things' and making these two months just as special as any of those 'every other days.'

I was talking with Jamie the other day and came up with a way of explaining how I'm feeling.
You know when you're talking with someone, and you think you know what they are going to say so you try and finish their sentence, only to be denied, then they have to try and gain back their train of thought? Then "Oh! I know what they are saying now!!" and try to finish it again, and wrong again! aaaaand, repeat...? And it turns out you really have no idea what they are talking about and by the end you both are so confused you forgot the whole point of the conversation?

Well, thats how I feel right now with God. I am so worried I am going to miss something and so anxious and excited that I think I know where God is leading me, so I jump ahead, interrupting, only to be denied!!!!! Over and over and over again! I think I know what He is trying to teach me... to SHUT UP and LISTEN!
I'd like to think I am a very good listener when it comes to people... but when it comes to God, man I suck! lol

Taking a step back, calming down, chilling out and taking a deep breath, lets start the conversation over. No matter where I am, what I'm doing, what I eat, what I wear, who I hang out with, God is there and doesn't care as long as I put Him first and start listening.

During this Thanksgiving and Christmas season... lets step back, chill out, take a deep breath, and start the conversation over and put Christ first. Then after we do that, lets start speading that around to those 'every other days.'

Those every other days are so amazing and full of God's beauty. Can you see it? Look harder! Look with both eyes, smell life, stop talking, and listen with both ears... you'd be shocked what God shows you.

I'm still anxious and still trying to learn patience, but I am getting better. I am shutting up and starting the conversation over so I can give God my full attention.

Here are some perfect examples of one of those every other days. While out on a family photo session, I shot these as the sun was going down. Just amazing. My camera and I can't do it justice.

Until next time... hows your conversation going?

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