Sunday, September 27, 2009



I was the sickest I have ever been and it seemed like it went on forever! Well, it didn't, but it sure left behind some really horrible memories. I think I got poked at least 10 times in each arm and in my hands. Thinking I might have mono, they didn't want to give up, and in return, left me black and blue and sick all over. I hate needles. They scare me and bring back those horrid memories from my childhood. But, tomorrow, I'm going to face one of my biggest fears and get my blood drawn. I can do this! I NEED to do this.

I woke Wednesday and couldn't walk. Literally. My ankle was tingling and it felt like someone took a sludge hammer to it. I called Donella to cancel swimming and debated whether or not to call into both the school and the Y to cancel work as well. I need the hours and didn't want to, but my ankle brought me to tears and figured I wouldn't be much help anyway. So I called in and then got numbers to call different places in town for help. The VIMO clinic didn't have any openings until Oct. 26th, but they suggested going to the free walk-in clinic in Sequim. They only take 12 people and are only open Thursdays and Mondays, but I needed to try. I called in and asked for Thursday off and the rest of the day was pretty much just sitting around. Sitting so much my but hurt but yet couldn't walk, I was in great shape!

My mom graciously came with me Thursday afternoon. The clinic opened at 5pm but was told to get there early, so we got there around 3:40pm. It was nice not sitting there all alone waiting for them to put out the numbers. There was even free wifi I could get on my Ipod Touch! They opened the door at 4:20 and a mad rush went for that #1 spot. My mom went up and retrieved the number for me and I ended being #5. I was technically the third person there waiting, but people are pushy!...waiting, and more waiting, I finally saw a doctor who was incredibly nice. She asked the typical questions; do you smoke? No. Drugs? NO!... and my personal favorite; Are you pregnant? yeah...Not!
After more to the point interrogation, she doesn't think I have a spur. Supposedly it wouldn't be this painful. Instead, we are testing for 4-5 different things and the top two are arthritis and tendinitis. Ooo Yay! Super stoked about that. The nurse there called the VIMO clinic in town and got me an appointment for Oct. 1, NOT Oct. 26th!

Tomorrow (Monday) morning I will be brave and get my blood taken. Thursday I have an appointment after my first photography class ends at 8:10pm. Another doctor will look at the test results and my x-rays again to get a second opinion. Praying it's not something serious and I will be able to get it fixed.

On a happy note! I had a great weekend! Did a vendor show downtown, didn't sell anything, but had a lot of encouraging words and handed out a lot of business cards! So thank you to those who came by :) It's great practice if nothing else.

Despite everything, I feel so blessed. I can sit here and smile through it all and know it's going to be ok. God is good!

This seems weird, but here are some pictures of, well, my pictures! haha

Until next time, Smile, God loves you too. :)

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