Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Don't Take a Photograph

Life is back to... well, the speed limit. No speeding tickets, at least for a while. So let’s see how much better I do with this blog.

First, I want to give a shout out to Donella for giving everyone my blog site. I know it’s just to view some of her wedding pictures, but still. I actually have people coming to my site now! Yay! haha I am going to try and post a few more pictures as I get them finished :)

Next, through this whole month of craziness, I've been teaching a photography class at the YMCA. Since teaching the "Intro to Digital Photography" over a year ago at the Y, I've had people suggest a field trip class. I whole heartedly agreed and finally put one together. So every Thursday in July, from 6-9, we met at the Y, then left on the bus to different locations. The field trip class was meant really for people who went through my intro class and knew how to use their camera, and just wanted to go out and take pictures of our beautiful peninsula. Of course would learn more along the way, but not a beginner beginner class. Then as I was putting it together, I figured that I would allow anyone to participate and would just help them a little more throughout the course. I didnt want to exclude anyone.

Well, my intentions on the class kind of went out the window. Which isn't a bad thing, just; I wasn't expecting it to be as different as it turned out to be. I ended up with 18 people signed up, and only one had gone through my intro class. I added WAY more intro beginner info then I originally started with, and even threw in an extra bonus info class. I put a lot of hours into this class, trying to make it the best that I could, and help everyone to the best of my non-pro ability! I really hope I have conveyed that through my love of photography. I do truly love it and I love sharing and teaching it.

I am by no means a professional photographer (yet), and I definitely don't know EVERYthing. With everything though, I don’t think one person can know EVERYthing there is to know about any given topic. You can always learn something from someone or just from experimenting on your own. BUT. I do know that I know what I am talking about when it comes to the basics of how a camera works, how a photograph should look, and how to create an image the way you want it to look. And I am very proud of that fact! I have spent a lot of time learning and studying. Photography is my passion, and I want to be among the best. To do that, you HAVE to know what you're talking about... so that’s what I am doing. Getting to where I know what I am talking about and helping others along the way.

I am having a blast in my class and seeing people start to get it and love it as much as I do. While teaching, I am also learning. Ingraining it more and more into my head, and researching a question someone has, if I don't know. That’s the best part! They help me as well.

The one class was out at Salt Creek, and the other was just right downtown. It was so incredibly fun watching them, getting on the ground, laying, crawling, sitting all over the place on one of the busiest corners in town!

Tomorrow (Thursday, July 30th) is out last class. So I want to thank them for helping me grow, and hope that I took them that one step farther to being a wonderful photographer, no matter how far they want to go with it.

I'll leave you with this thought. One of my favorite quotes from Ansel Adams:

"You don't take a photograph, you make it."

Happy Shooting


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