Sunday, August 2, 2009

I'm Old!

I'm going to be 24 soon, and I just found out, to my dismay, that I am years behind in my photography business. This came to quite a shock, knowing that I'm not old what so ever, but I sure feel like it now!

I am an advocate follower of international wedding photographer Jasmine Star. I check her blog at least once a day, sometimes more, she’s the reason I created a twitter account (that I don't ever use myself) and am a "fan" of hers on facebook along with being her “friend.” Yes, I could be considered a stocker I know, but I am taking that risk. Not only is she an aMAZing photographer, but she is truly an amazing and inspiring person.

She started her photography business after dropping OUT of law school to follow her dream. She’s only been shooting for a little over 2 years. Which, is about the same time I started, so what does that tell ya!? She loves the Lord and conveys a true, down to earth, bubbly, outgoing free spirit that is contagious to the people around her. J*, as she signs and calls herself, also has no limit in helping the up and coming wannabe photographers such as myself. I am in awe.

Even though she has contributed to my feeling old, she is not the reason for my post. Jasmine started a discussion on her facebook fan page with this topic; “One Photographer, One Question.” There were of course a great amount of questions posted, and I would say 85%-90% of them were to “one photographer”… her. People adore her! (which who wouldn’t if you read her blog) There was one comment though that caught my eye, that wasn’t to Jasmine Star. It was to a young photographer named Jamie Delaine. This was the post;

“…I'd ask Jamie Delaine what ever made her think that she could start a photography business at 17 or 18 years old? She's 19 now and running an amazing business - when I was 17 or 18 I could barely put a full sentence together on my own...”

I, of course, clicked on the address, only to find another inspiring photography, who JUST turned 19 Aug. 1st. How the HECK!? Haha 19!!! Seriously?? That makes 24 seem ancient!

I didn’t post on Jasmine’s discussion board, but my one question, to any successful wedding photographer out there would be, HOW?! How did you get to where you are? How did you start? How did you promote yourself?... just, How?!

Getting myself out there is my most difficult hurtle to clear. Is living in a small town the reason? I know it has to be part of it, but what else? There has to be something more to it then living in a large city. I know I need to fine tune my skills, and keep on practicing to get better. I guess when I make that jump and move to a larger city, we shall find out how big of a part my skills vs. a larger city play. Until then, I will keep on trying here in my small home town, and see where the Lord takes me.

To all those young at heart,

Happy Shooting


The photo Jeff and Donella chose for their wedding
announcement in the newspaper.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on the trip to Portland, the interview, and DEFINITELY good luck at the church! I know it will all work out for you!
