Saturday, July 25, 2009


I can finally sit, relax, and not HAVE to do anything all day! That is a grand feeling after spending the last 2 weeks running around non-stop. More to come on that, but on to more important things, and the reason for this post is...

Donella and Jeff GOT MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!

I am so very excited and thrilled for them. They fit so well together and I had the honor of being apart of the aMAzing weekend on the lake.

Drivers literally drive me crazy. In the car, for over 9 hours behind people who don't know how to go the speed limit, can do that to you. But Karyn and I finally crossed the Idaho border and made it to the lake. Just for the record, I am so not a camping/tent/sleeping on the ground/bug type of girl, but that's exactly what the weekend entailed. Slept on the ground, in tents, with bugs everywhere! On top of that, there was no running drinking water, 90+ degree weather, going up and down a long, steep, dirt road to a bathroom, being out of my comfort zone in a bathing suite, swimming with a lot of people I don't know, plus other bumps along the way, it could have ended up being such a miserable weekend. But then you spend it all with Donella, one of the most amazing people I know and one of my best friends, then throw in being on the lake, meeting and hanging out with all the most important people in her life, Jeff, and his friends and family, all coming together completely over powers all the negatives and gives you the best weekend of the year!

Congratulations Jeff and Donella Clark! Love you guys!

Here are some sneak-peeks of the wedding...

Jeff, Donella and I

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