Friday, March 12, 2010

Are You A Fan!?

Today has been... a day.

Things have been a whirl wind this last week. I've been looking for an apartment and being overwhelmed and stressed about, well... being able to pay for a place. If you haven't been keeping track, I work at the Y. Now, I LOVE working there, dont get me wrong, its just, it doesnt really pay the bills. At least all the previous ones PLUS a rental payment. It's just impossible.
People keep asking me why I dont get a second job. Ya wanna know why? Because the Y IS my second job! My first job at the moment isn't really paying the bills yet either, unfortunately. I seriously need to get on track and start marketing my photography business!
Before my very stressful and overwhelming weekend, I was going to post a blog about how you can get some free prints. Don't worry, I am still going to do that. To get that ball rolling, if you want to share with your friends and family about Becoming A Fan on Facebook, you will get a great head start.
Marketing in photography is all about the word of mouth approach. So... get your mouth moving and get the word out!! :)

So, to get back to where I was going with that story...where was I? Oh yeah, stressful weekend, looking for apartments, and not being able to afford one. Well, long story short, the Lord is amazing, along with my wonderful mom! I found an apartment and just like that, my mom (and help of my two nephews!!) were packing all my stuff up. I went in Tuesday and put the deposit down and turned in my application. Today was the day my mom was planning on driving the 4 hours down with the majority of my belongings, including my two birdies! (I've missed them!) I was scheduled to work from 12-6, so I needed to either get someone to work or switch shifts. I was able to switch and work 8am-1pm, which was perfect because the moving crew, my mom, nephew Ryne, and my moms husband, were expected around 1-2 in the afternoon. Another dilemma we had, was we needed someone to help carry the heavy furniture up the stairs. So trying to find someone to help was a lot harder than I expected it to be, but two directors from the Y came to the rescue to help! In the mists of all this, while trying to explain to my mom how to get to the apartments, I go and do something I have not done the whole time I've owned my car. I lock the keys inside! Trying to hurry and sign all the papers, get the keys so my mom and the crew could unpack and get back to PA, trying to find a locksmith to get my car open (because no, I dont have a spear key) and trying to see if we could get help with the unpacking made for a very interesting afternoon for sure. Also, while we are unloading the trailer, the maintenance guys come and tell us that they didnt know someone was moving in and needing to put a door up for the bathroom, check the stove, and put up the blinds. To top it all off, as the crew was getting ready to leave, my mom discovered that she couldn't find her new Flip. The video camera thing.
She didnt end up finding it, which, I really hope she does, or it wound up getting in a box and I havent unpacked it yet.

So... My new lil apartment is full of boxes and things randomly dropped everywhere and the best part, it feels like I have officially moved from PA! I still need to pack things up from Carol and Larry's and get internet set up, but after this weekend I will be all moved in and start getting it all organized! :)

Well folks, I think that is all for now! Depending on how soon I can get internet at my place will determine how soon my next blog will be up about FREE prints!!!

So until next time.... Be A Fan!!!!

Yay for crappy camera phones! hehe I'll post more later with my actual camera after I get it more situated! :P

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