Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Out and About

I promise you I have the greatest intentions on posting new blogs more often! Truly truly I do!! haha

I had a great weekend! Jamie came up and I spent some time with her and went to her church's special meetings in Portland. Hung out at the mall and got to show her where I live and work now. Lucky her to be the first one!

So, while living down in Vancouver, I'm staying with my cousin and her husband. They are both retired and are graciously offering their home to me and I am indubitably thankful! Indubitably... thats a big word for me! I think I should get one of those stickers that say "Way To Go!" or something! haha But anyway, I really am! They have a place out at one of the lakes NE of Vancouver and Carol (My cousin) drove me out there last week to show me. Im in awe driving out there to start with all the nature and photo opportunities, but then we get to their place and I get out of the van to turn around to 7 deer! Right There!!! They are so used to people feeding them out there that they are pretty much pets. They eat right from your hand. So cute! Seriously! (Deer are not a new thing for me but they are still cute!)
So of course I hurry and get my camera and am so excited! The view from their deck is so gorgeous! It definitely makes up for being so far from the mountains in my back yard and water in the front!

Still working on the pictures and definitely still working on my landscape photography, but heres what I have so far...

This one was the baby!!!

They were hungry lil things...

On our way home from the lake, Carol took a detour to take me to this corn mill. They are still in business too. I cant remember the name at the moment, but I am definitely going back there!!!

Back at the lake... she drove around showing me different places and I had to get out to get this shot!

So things are going really well with the new job and I really am loving it down here! It still hasn't sunk in yet that Im here. For good.
I'm going back to PA this weekend. I get off work at 8pm on Friday and am going to leave straight from there and drive up. I get to see Donella Saturday which Im SO excited about! Driving back Monday in time to work my shift that starts at 4pm... yay! :)

So until next time, go outside and appreciate nature and what God has created! Its Gorgeous out there!


  1. Very beautilful pictures. How far is that corn mill from Vancouver?

  2. Kika, you will be fine in Vancouver. My husband & I were married there. The pictures are awesome as usual and you will get your business up and running very soon. Keep up your faith. You would not have gotten the job if God didn't want you there. Keep up the blog love reading what you have to say.

  3. beautiful photos as always! especially love the b&w!
