Friday, April 23, 2010

Marketing... A Bad Word!

Marketing. I hate that word. Its a very important word that has very large shoes. Even with wearing a size 12... yes, I wear size 12 in shoes... I can't compare to the vastness of the shoes that Marketing wears and struts around with just to mock me I'm sure. I can't do it.
Scratch that. can’t.
Not that I can't, it's just a very difficult undertaking for someone like me who has never really embarrassed the talking about oneself. Hence the really sucking at the blog posts! haha
This is worse though, much worse.

I want to improve... no, I Need to improve. To do that, I need to take pictures. I haven't been able to get out there and take as many portrait photos as I want and its eating me up inside!! I'm traveling backwards and its making me a tad crazy to where I am actually a lil' worried for my sanity. You get where I'm going with this?

I had the privilege to take pictures at the YMCA's Healthy Kids Day (a.k.a. HKD) a week ago this Saturday. I brought with me to the Y, for HKD, a couple of pictures that I had packed and moved down with me, while leaving the majority (99%) of my display photos back at home in PA. Clear as mud? Right. Anywho. I brought the pictures, my business cards and made impromptu raffle tickets to win 25% off a print order. I guess I did alright.

Marketing. It laughs in my face and sometimes I can actually feel the hot air coming from the outbursts of hysterics. I try. As much as I can push myself to, I try. But I need to push harder, and I need to take more pictures. That is the only way I can improve and save my sanity. The two go hand in hand.

HKD was a good day overall and the best part is, is that it couldn't have hurt anything and couldn't have made my business any less marketed. There's always an upside to things, right? A silver lining? Well I need a lil more silver. A lil more up to the side.
I need to actually get my butt out there and start talking to people you say? Do you know me??? Apparently not unless you want to put me out of my misery.
Ok, a little extreme yes, I'm not in misery. But goodness gracious I need to be slapped. Someone slap me.

I guess I am writing this for a little motivation within myself and to share that I might be horrific and sluggish on the marketing aspect, but I am not giving up. Reading and looking at photographers blogs is so inspiring and I just feel it inside that this is the right path I am going down. I have made it this far and I am not going to let the enormous shoes of the lil word called Marketing get in my way!

This is what I want to do. I want to take pictures. And by golly Lord willing I will take pictures. Lord willing.... Lord... please enable me to get out there and give it the best I got, to be the best I can and share the talent you have given me to the best of my ability.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kristina,
    You take the bestest pictures I have ever seen. I will add your desire and ability to get out and take pictures to my prayers. You have the ability and the brains to MARKET yourself you just need to believe in yourself more. I will pray for this to increase as well. Good luck and you can do this. Remember God put you their for a reason. Love and miss you.

  3. Marketing yourself is fun! (You just need to look at it differently) :D Call me, I'll help you. :D :D :D
